
In our current society, we observe how animals are generally treated as inferior, exploited and brutalized by us humans. Based on that, we decided to create an app to support and encourage the appreciation of animal life. This app will be divided in several parts: complaints, in which the app user will be able to get in touch with animal protective associations and report abuse; missing, in which the person who has lost their friend will be able to create a public profile so that other people can help them find them; donation, which will be divided in food, subsistence allowance, medicine, doctors' appointments, hygiene products and volunteers — here the user will have the choice of picking the institution/temporary home they'll help and schedule times to walk the pets; adoption, there will be a data base of each animal found on the streets, besides shelters, so that they are treated and available for adoption; vets, in which the app user will find the closest doctors and veterinary clinics in their location; vegan and cruelty-free products, here the user will find products that are not derived from animals and companies that don't test on animals; wildlife protection institutions, here the user will find institutions they'll be able to donate to and practice ecotourism, helping to protect threatened species and getting to know them in their natural habitat, in a different way from zoos; petitions, there will be petitions to support animals and the environment. In every part of the app, there will be a search box. This app will help raise awareness about the risks animals face on the streets, making people act to protect them, learn about protection projects and companies that don't exploit them, thus avoiding abuse against all species.

Evelyn Bernardo: Created and developed the "Helpet" project. A vegetarian, mother of a female rabbit, visual artist, co-creator and producer of the cineRJ film club, she taught arts education at the Olavo Bilac School in 2015, studies Visual Arts at the Unigranrio University and set design at the Spectaculu school.

Nathalia dos Santos: Creator and designer of the "helpet" project. A DJ, mother of two dogs, violin player, writer, boom operator and set design student at the Spetaculu School.

Amanda Santana: Was an intern at the Proderj company, studied computer assembly at the Fábrica Verde project, sewing at the Ecomoda project, and logistics at the Senai course. A stagehand student at the Spectaculu School.

Jaqueline Dionísio: Was an intern as office assistant at the Secretariat of Energy and Economic Development. A set design student at the Spectaculu School.

Lucas Bitar: Stagehand and dressing room student at Spectaculu. He has taken theatre classes at Galpão Aplauso and English classes at Cultura Inglesa.

Monique Melgaço: Sewing and costumes student at the Spectaculu school. A child's education teacher, she takes English classes at Wise Up and has taken administrative routines and computer classes at Microlins. Passionate about everything involving the arts and a vegetarian in favor of animals.